Ours Is The Land

When we don’t take care of the relationship (with our land), we lose a part of ourselves.
— Michael Enis,
Tohono O'odham Storyteller

Ours Is The Land is a short documentary film from Director Frances Causey that depicts in vivid and powerful detail the spiritual, cultural and physical connection of the Tohono O’odham people of Arizona to Ce:wi Duag, or the Santa Rita Mountains, which are imperiled by the proposed creation of the mile-wide, half mile deep Rosemont open pit copper mine. The film is told entirely from the perspective of the Tohono O’odham Nation members themselves including Legislative Council members, and tribal elders who speak movingly about how the mine would destroy their ancestral burial sites, sacred seeps and springs, and a rare ball court. Adding more strength to the film is the music score of Michael Enis, Tohono O’odham tribal member and song dreamer.

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